100 Reasons

1 min readMar 15, 2023


Exploring Life’s Endless Possibilities

One hundred reasons, oh what could they be?

In a world so surreal, let’s set them free.

A reason for every bird up in the sky,

A reason for every cloud that passes by.

One for every flower in a meadow fair,

And one for every time a child says a prayer.

A reason for every star up in the night,

And one for every tear shed in delight.

For every laugh that echoes in the air,

And every hug that shows someone you care.

A reason for every ocean wave that crashes,

And every heart that mends from all its ashes.

One for every step taken on the sand,

And one for every moment life feels grand.

A reason for every smile that warms the heart,

And one for every chance to make a fresh start.

One hundred reasons, let’s celebrate,

Life is a gift, let’s appreciate.

In this surreal world, there’s much to see,

One hundred reasons to believe and be free.

Originally published at https://vocal.media.




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